Scandinavian Stunts
Oslo - Norway

Photo by Marion Nesje

Fjellnytt Hemsedal
April 2021
Niclas Nilsson
The local ad magazine from my favourite Norwegian mountain village, Hemsedal, invited med to have a stunt talk between skiing. It ended with a six page spread!

Erlik Oslo
November 2020
Leikny Havik Skjærseth
The Christmas book edition of the street magazine =Oslo, is always a highlight, and in 2020 the main theme was about various types of "work" and to support its core cause - to get people into work!

Bregenzer Festspiel
August 2014
Surprisingly enough, my "Pamina" moment on the turtle made the frontpage!
This magazine was distributed in and around the City of Bregenz, Austria, to promote Opera on the lake and its Magic Flute production.

Norwegian Embassy
July 2014
Susanne Ganss
The Norwegian Embassy in Vienna, Austria, asked me for a short interview in regards to my stunt-roles on the production of The Magic Flute, at the Bregenzer Festspiele.

Kristiansand Avis
June 2014
Mai Linn Oppseth Tronstad
A portrait inverview with Kristiansand Avis about my work and interest as a stuntwoman, and how it has lead me to where I am today.

I Form Magazine
May 2014
Bonnier publications Int.
A reportage about how 3 women put their body at risk for the art of the craft; A supermodel, a stuntwoman and a guinea-pig for scientific research!
Scandinavian distribution

Den ultimate guide til Kampsport
Cappelen Damm AS 2012
Annette Münch & Hanne E. Andersen
Scandinavian Stunt Group with Deni Jordan and myself as interview- objects, were asked to participate in this "Ultimate Guide to Martial Arts". You'll find us under "Real Action heroes"

Cosmopolitan Norge
January 2007
Line Raaen
Cosmos famous article "Fun Fearless Female" have featured stars such as Eva Mendez, Mila Kunis and Sandra Bullock (US). When I was approached by the Norwegian issue to be their FFF girl, it was something I couldn't pass up...
"Ønske om å lykkes"
"Hardtslående eventyr"
"Hopper i det"
"Women in kick-boxing
Reportage Portrait Reportage Reportage
TV2 Nettavisen, Norway, 2005
Alle Menn, Norway, 2005
Log:in magazine, Norway, 2003
Dagbladet newspaper, Norway, 2001
La Cité Sport, Cananda, 2001